What a crazy day! The kids are in bed and I finally have some alone time. Every night before bed, I always ask everyone what was their "high and low". Daniel's "high" for today - he walked to school all by himself (my version, I dropped him off in front of the school, he walked through the school's front doors since the kindergarten doors were closed). Yep, I was late this morning, with all this snow, I couldn't find parking! His "low" was that he couldn't play outside after I picked him up from school. (My version, ahhhhhh supper is ready)!
Okay so for my "high" today, I went back home after I dropped Daniel off and had my second cup of coffee and breakfast in peace before work. My low, my best friend at work is leaving. I cried. I'm really happy for her, she's starting her own company, but who will I talk when I need someone to listen? I guess I will have to add her on speed dial.
In other news, looks like I'll be very busy this weekend. Between laundry and cleaning, I have to bake pizzelle's for Tanya's high school project, (long story) and bake cupcakes for Daniel's bake sale on Monday. I also want to bake some ricotta cookies for Palm Sunday's lunch at my in-laws. Yay, I just remembered, I have a bookclub meeting on Friday! Who needs therapy I have a bookclub.
By the way, it's still snowing outside......
Love this display of the white...I've gotten so into Ironstone lately...this is beauttiful! And thanks for coming by and leaving me a sweet bday comment! : )
Ricotta cookies sound interesting - I've never had them.
Loved the picture - sure wish I could find a huge cloche like that!
Thank you for your visit! Your blog is such a pretty place.
What a lovely blog! Sounds like you will be busy busy baking some wonderful goodies this weekend! Your snow pictures are beautiful - our snow was a week ago today & we have a forecast for 90 degrees tomorrow! How fast it can change!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog & entering my Blogaversary Give-away! I'm so happy to meet you!
OOOh, how I love white ironstone! And those cloches....I NEED them!
Our snow has finally stopped (just until the next "spring" storm, though,) and I am so happy to think spring is on its' way here. Hold onto the hope! It will be there, at your place, soon, too!
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