Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's the Weekend!

Happy Memorial Day weekend to all my American friends!

And the winner is...  Congratulations April from Earl and Petunia do Fashion.  April is the winner of a $50 Shabby Apple gift card. 

What are your plans for the weekend?  Today I'm tackling my closet.  Will I succeed?  Stay tuned, I'll post pictures soon.

This week I've bookmarked some interesting sites.  Have  you heard of Zoku quick pop maker?  Since I'm addicted to coffee, I tried a Mocha Popsicle recipe found at A Cozy Kitchen.  OMG, so yummy! 

Ms. T. is graduating from high school this month.  Check out these great printables found here at Catch My party from Sarah Hope Designs.

That's it for now.  Check back soon!

1 comment:

April G said...

Yay! Thank you. :) I'm so happy I won! Also, I hope you had a totally relaxing weekend. I had fun hanging out with my kiddos.