Photo credit Sandra Lane
I love this photo, a black dress and shoes~, some of my favorite things.
It was another busy week, meetings, driving the kids everywhere and getting dinner on the table! TGIF! No night out with hubbie this weekend, too much to do. Kids activities and Lunch at my parents on Sunday. Hubbie and I are actually planning a long weekend the end of the month. Looking forward to some time up north.
What are some of your favorite things? Enjoy your weekend.
Keep smiling!
I need a night out with my hubby too! It's been so long....
Life just gets too crazy!
Girls, I'm THERE with you! Its been a week now of a VERY sick daughter, trying to run my biz while running between load after load of laundry, trips to the grocery store for one-more-thing-she-might-be-able-to-keep-down, doctor appts., orders to ship, new items to put on shop website, more laundry, housework, dinners to cook...SOMEBODY STOP ME! :)
Yeah....I'm ready for that night out, ya'll.
My favorites things, if we're talking getting dressed up for a nice night out, would probably be mostly black. Yes -- love the photo and all items in it!
A great perfume, fabulous-hair-day, perfect make-up...just to name a few of my favorite things...
What a pretty blog. I am stopping by from SITS. I hope you enjoyed your weekend!
Okay. Everything in this picture makes me happy! The dress, the SHOES (I have a bit of a shoe fetish!), and the beautiful furniture. If I could just move in there. Hmmmm! It's beautiful!!!
The fiance and I just got back from a beautiful day at Okenfenokee Swamp (Southern Georgia). It was a wonderful little road trip and the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. Took an hour and a half boat tour and saw tons of alligators and beautiful wildlife. It was quite a treat that was MUCH needed!
I highly recommend you and your hubby taking some time away together just to get away from it all. Sometimes it just does a body good!
I just hopped over here from SITS, and I think your blog is as pretty as can be!
Lovely plans.. Hope you'll have a lovely weekend ahead..
I feel like a night out has been on the "To Do" list for far too long!
I am with you...really stinks even when you don't go out for St. Paddy's Day. Sad state of affairs.
Although I am heading out with the girls this weekend....:)
hmmm, my favourite things, just to name a few: the first sip of my morning coffee, sleeping in on rainy days and giraffes.
Great post!
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