Picture courtesy of Countryliving.com
Today's the day! My baby brother is getting married. I took the day off yesterday and both Miss Tanya and I went for a manicure and pedicure. We had so much fun!
I'm off to get my hair done and makeup too!
Directions for the lace flower pictured above:
1 Fold a round doily in half, then roll it to form a cone.
Crocheted versions yield the best results.
2 With an elastic band, secure its base.
3 Fold, then roll a second round doily around the first, again securing with an elastic band.
4 Embellish the bloom with millinery leaves, slipping the stem into the elastic band.
5 Use as a corsage or a gift topper.
I'll post pictures soon. Enjoy your weekend!
First, your new blog design is GORGEOUS!! :)
I love the doily (isn't that a funny word?) flower! And the sewing pattern paper flowers from a previous post.
Now to find the doilies and the time... ;)
Thanks for another great post!
Wow that is so cute! Thanks for sharing how to do it!
All the best,
I found your blog from blog hopping today :)
Thought Id say Hi!
:) Candy
I just found your blog by following some links.
Thanks for posting about making the rose. Now, I know what to do with all the round doilies I find at the thrift store.
from Southern calif.
thanks so much for the how to, my daughter and i are going to try it!
this ig great! thank you for tips!
you won the giveaway..send me your contact info!
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2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
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have a lovely day!
Wow! This is absolutely beautiful.
What a great post!
I just found this morning, LOVE your site. Great, great stuff!
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