Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekend wishes

Happy Weekend everyone!  Sorry for missing in action.  Crazy busy with work and kids schedule.

Guess what, I found a new hobby.  Do you Pinterest?  Love it.  It's a social catalogue to collect and share things.  Inspirational!  My secret, I wake up in the morning and bookmark my favorites (with coffee)! 

This weekend I'm spending some time with my daughter, Mommy Daughter weekend since Hubby and Son are at a Hockey tournament out of town.  On the Agenda tomorrow, mani pedis.  Tonight, it's movie night and pizza! 

Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

Lexi said...

You must share the secret - how did you get on Pinterest? I have requested an invite, but still no word. See my post on my Pinterest envy:

Great Blog!

Lexi @